Founded by Martha Graeff and Danie Gomez-Ortigoza in 2018, we are a community of women from different countries and different backgrounds, but with the same mission: to raise funds for children all over the world. The Bazaar for Good is composed of more than 30 women with a strong social media presence committed to using their voices to speak up and bring awareness to the issues we face as a society, and what we can do in favor of disadvantaged children.
Every year, 100% of the amount raised in the Bazaar is destined to create meaningful changes in the lives of children of different countries, supporting the areas of education, health, and equality.
The Bazaar for Good brings the community together to do good for good.
Using technology as an ally to make a positive impact on society, The Bazaar for Good is a unique initiative that brings together women from all over the world to raise funds and improve children's education and healthcare.
And More
100% of the profits donated to the organizations
Drinks and dance
Hair, makeup and facials
Art, experiences and more
Buying high quality brands
From 11.30 to 3.00pm, led by Valeria Lipovetsky
Our annual Bazaar for Good is a lifestyle-driven event that consists of curated talks, music sessions, wellness classes and workshops, and special influencer closet shopping experiences. This unique platform offers an opportunity for content creation and social media exposure for all Bazaar for Good partners through numerous digital influencers supporting the platform. Our last event raised US$420,000 and 100% of the proceeds went to the four NGO's in four countries in Latin America that help underserved children.